Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Entitlement. Oh, You Mean My Paycheck

What Entitlement. Oh, You Mean My Paycheck. Let's get it straight. It's called entitlement because we worked for it for 50 + years. We made deposits into social security for 50+ years. We have now earned a return on our faithful deposits. It's called social security retirement and Medicare insurance. We paid for it so don't touch it. It's ours! Oh, you don't care, because you made over 250k. Well, we the people didn't, but we did deposit part of our paycheck. It's ours. Leave it alone!!!
DJackson, SEA

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Time To Get Real

Ok, so here is what's real. We the people need a voice. Finally, we have one. It's a national voice and a world voice. It's called "MSNBC." That's right, you heard me. They are progressive and have a plan that Leans Forward toward a 21st century style that listens to the people, all the people. That's their agenda. So bring it if you can because we are heading for 2012. Let's have a breakout moment. If you got it bring it let me hear it.
D Jackson, Sr. Exec. Admin.