There has been a lot said about what happens to believers when doomsday predications fail. But, the media industry forgets to consider what happens to the masses of people whose lives are also affected by these progenitors of doom. History shows that there are people who project a sense of a special connection with God. Those who follow them do so as sheep being led to the slaughter.
So when these individuals get their prediction wrong the sheep are in denial and dismiss this huge debacle as though nothing as happened and happily return to fed on more of what they have been previously fed. Once again the masses have been emotionally scared and carry the baggage of these failures around with them. Let us not forget Jim Jones in Guyana and David Corash at Waco Texas . Only God knows the Day and the hour and He is not telling. So believers beware of who you listen to and who you follow.
The following is a list of 10 failed predictions:
1. The Prophet Hen of 2. The Millerites, April 23, 1843
3. Mormon Armageddon, 1891 or earlier
4. Halley's Comet, 1910
5. Pat Robertson, 1982
6. Heaven's Gate, 1997
7. Nostradamus, August 1999
8. Y2K, Jan. 1, 2000
9. May 5, 2000
10.God's Church Ministry, Fall 2008
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